2022-02-17 09:25:39
Good Morning everyone!

How is everyone coming along with the ab challenge & the nutrition for this month? Finish strong y’all we got this!!! Don’t forget to tune into the live broadcast and if you miss them go rewatch them!

Have an awesome end of your week! Keep pushing! 💪🏽
Ebony Morgan : Good morning my body has been working against me this week so I’ve been out of my routine with workouts still trying to get my walks in daily tho
Shay White: Good Morning! I've been slacking with the ab challenge but have been keeping up with my nutrition and other workouts for the month. I'm feeling really good about myself. Thanks for the motivation sis!
2022-02-01 09:05:17
Good Morning! Just finished the live workout about to make breakfast and get ready for workout #2 of the day! Have an awesome day everyone! Remember YOU GOT THIS!!!!
Ebony Morgan : Good morning love have a blessed day
Halani Lobdell: Yep we got this!