2021-06-30 20:36:56
Morning NV Gang!!

Here’s your weekly Installment of the Monday Morning Workout!!!

Remember to click the link for demos of any exercises you may not be familiar with. https://youtu.be/pBPeczZ0H5E

Happy Sweating!!!
Halani Lobdell: 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Donna Corley: Thank you sir…legs already screaming why not just finishes them off this evening!
2021-06-20 22:43:44
Here we are! Week 3! Let’s get ready to move

Remember to click the link for guided demonstrations of each exercise. https://youtu.be/-NlyZFxYTeQ

Happy Sweating!!!
Michel Thompson : Thank you!
Donna Corley: Whew...done✔️ Took me 38 min.
2021-06-13 07:40:46
Happy Monday!!

Here’s your Week 2 Workout!!
Remember to Click the Link to view demonstrations https://youtu.be/i98HOKby7VM
(they are in the order of the workout listed)

Happy Sweating!!!!
Tassia Chandler: Welcome
Natalie Holland: I added this one in today too!
2021-06-05 08:07:15
Happy Memorial Day and Welcome to Week 4!! Here is your workout for Today!!

Make sure you Click the link for demonstrations of each exercise!! https://youtu.be/pTh6oZWmfkI

Lets Stretch, Warm Up with a Minute of Jumping Jacks and then Jump Into the Circuit
Donna Corley: Woooo that was killer
Natalie Holland: This was great for me today!
Rhonda Marshall: Is this the workout that’s done through the week until the next one is posted ?
2021-05-31 08:09:40
Good Morning!!! This week’s Monday morning workout is taking it back to Bodyweight Workout, requested by Halani, so she could do it while she’s on vacation!! Make sure y’all do it and tag her to hold her accountable to get it done as well!!!!
Donna Corley: I might have to make this my Tuesday workout, dont know if I can double up with one tuh-day!
Natalie Holland: Those jump squats!
Donna Corley: Natalie Collins-DeCambre _Holland those Jacks about took me OUT!
2021-05-23 23:01:02
Good Morning and Welcome to Week 3!!

Today's workout is lower a Lower Body Focus and you have 4 rounds of a Good Time!!
Remember to click the link to see quick demos of off the moves you may not be familiar with!!

Happy Sweating!!!
Halani Lobdell: Here we go!!
Cydney knight : yessssss
Teddy Robinson-Jones: Looks like I’m moving my legggg daaayy yaaayyyy! Thanks, Brodney!
2021-05-14 11:00:52
Good Morning!!!! Welcome to Week 2!

Here is your Monday Morning Workout. Remember to click the link for Video demonstrations of each exercise. If you don't have weights, then you can grab two small cans or any objects that mirror each other at get to work!!!

Teddy Robinson-Jones: Good burn 🔥 Thank you, Brodney! I always look forward to your Monday workouts, they never fail to give me just what I need
Donna Corley: Got in 6 rounds....the struggle 💪🏾
Michel Thompson : Thank you brodney mcclinton. I finally did it and completed 5 rounds. The push ups and mountain climbers were the worst for me.😭
2021-05-03 10:47:13
Good Morning!!! Here is Link For Demos for This mornings workout!!
Halani Lobdell: 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Lisa White: 🙌🏽💪🏾
Michel Thompson : Good morning, thank you. Will try this on Tuesday.
2021-04-28 17:29:48
Here is the video, with demonstrations for those who need it!!!

Again, sorry I was delayed, got behind this morning but here it is!! Here is the circuit, for those who don't want to search for the post:

45 seconds of dumbbell swings
20 Row to Press
45 seconds of pop squats
20 Renegade rows (10 each arm)
45 seconds of jack and press
20 sumo squat to curl
45 seconds of plank jacks
Michel Thompson : Good morning, thank you for the video. I was using YouTube to figure out some of the other workouts.
2021-04-30 16:39:47
(Alright!!! I'm alittle late today but I wasn't going to miss the post!!!)

Happy Monday! Today's workouts included weights and bodyweight cardio!!!
I Tried to post both the workout and the video, but technology won't let me be great. So I'm posting the workout here, and the video right behind it.

Now, Go Crush It!!!!
BodyNV Manager : ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lisa White: 💯💯💯
Donna Corley: Loved this...will redo in future!