2022-02-23 07:38:48
GM… 6AM workout complete…I have to tell myself before a hard exercise, “You got this Toya! Kill it.!” It helps a lot.

SN. I’m glad it’s getting back warm. I pulled out my bolero hoodie out.
Halani Lobdell: Let’s go!
2022-02-22 07:26:46
6AM workout complete ✅
Halani Lobdell: Got it done!
Michel Thompson : Great job!
2022-02-21 09:09:26
Good Morning again everyone! Chonta will be doing Motivation Monday at 10 am this morning… Tune in. 🤗
2022-02-21 08:49:47
Good Morning! It’s Monday! Let’s go in focused and head strong… I had to play one of my favorite fearless motivation tracks this morning during my cardio it says, “ When you come to a crossroads and you run into the winner and the quitter in you always listen to the winner. The quitter will never leave you down the road you want to go! We all have a winner in us.”

Workout complete with my trainer Tev… I did some extra sprints after my session. I hope everyone have an amazing week!
Halani Lobdell: Love this!!
Michel Thompson : Great job 👏🏽 🙌🏾
2022-02-16 08:24:39
Good morning! My 6 AM workout with Tev
Halani Lobdell: Great work per usual Toya!
Toya Warren: Thank you ☺️ Halani Lobdell
2022-02-14 09:55:05
Grocery list part 3
2022-02-14 09:54:33
Grocery list part 2 provided by Camille
2022-02-14 09:54:19
Grocery list provided by Camille
2022-02-14 09:53:21
Some guidelines to help you with abdominal fat. Information form Camille.
Ebony Morgan : Thank you for the repost love appreciate you 💕
Toya Warren: No problem 🤗🤗
2022-02-14 09:51:39
Good morning! I started my morning off with my trainer Tev and then came right in to listen to Chonta! Great message always. Then I caught up on Camille’s message on losing belly fat. Very informative.. please watch the replay when you get a chance. The most important part is diet and nutrition… please check out the lists we made up. You will have to scroll a little. As a matter of fact I’ll repost them so you won’t have to ☺️. Have a great day yall!
Halani Lobdell: Thanks Toya!