2021-06-26 14:18:04
Glute camp this morning! Trap fit and Silver back style 😎… I moaned and groaned the whole time but I enjoyed myself.
2021-06-22 19:07:07
I did one circuit of Brodney’s upper body from last week (I was really pressed for time) now off to R and B resistance.
Toya Warren: Donna Corley it was fun. We did a lot of arm exercises. Arms are burning 🔥
Donna Corley: I plan to do tonight.
BodyNV Manager : 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
2021-06-22 16:53:00
Hey y’all I’ve been getting these consistently for the past few months from Snaps. Through BodyNV we get 20 % off… the company is really fast on delivery. At first I thought the greens would taste funny but it is berry flavored and actually really good. I usually drink it in water mid morning.Just wanted to share…☺️
BodyNV Manager : Agreed so good
Lucia Carlos-Valentino: Where do you order?
Toya Warren: -Valentino go to thebodynv.com and click on the supplements tab.
2021-06-08 23:39:39
Hey y’all! I hope you’re well. Strength training program this evening. I need to get back to running more.
Donna Corley: Running does a body good! I def need to get back to it!
Frances Hunt: 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 I need to get more jogging in!!!
Teddy Robinson-Jones: I’ve been off my running game too lately, planning too get back on it this week