2022-01-29 14:37:31
Hey Ladies! Tomorrow at 12:00pm EST meal prepping and answering any questions you have!
2022-01-18 12:23:49
Hey NV Gang! Here’s a quick & easy lunch idea:
Chicken lettuce cups:
Shredded chicken breast, with peppers, onion and Asian slaw.
For extra protein & fiber you can add black beans & quinoa or rice.
What are you having for lunch today?
Ebony Morgan : That’s looks so good going have to try that out I’m having chicken salad for my lunch today
Michel Thompson : Looks good. I'm going to try it.
Wendy Nash: Trying these today!
2022-01-15 11:57:42
Good morning gang! I'll be going live tomorrow at 12:00 pm EST be sure to tune in. I'll be answering the questions you guys asked in my previous post. Enjoy your weekend!
Halani Lobdell: Can’t wait!
Toya Warren: Can’t wait 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
2022-01-12 16:33:57
Hey everybody, how is your week going so far?
Please comment something that you struggle with as far as nutrition, anything that's preventing you from seeing results and I will answer live on Sunday!
Camille Shabazz: are the 5 meals too much? what are you eating each meal?
Toya Warren: Oh I can’t wait for this discussion on Sunday!
Michel Thompson : I struggle with planning my meals because I don't know what I feel like eating. My breakfast is consistent. Lunch & dinner are the problems. Also, drinking enough water. I get in about 32 ounces of plain water and I also drink 3 different teas (black, green, peppermint, ginger) each day.
2022-01-09 12:28:48
Happy Sunday NV Gang!
How was everyones week?
Today is a great day for you to meal prep and start the week off right. Make sure you plan your meals, create a list before you go into the grocery store, and categorize what you need. Lean protein, carbs and fats and some of your favorite snacks.
Donna Corley: Ready for the week💪🏾
Camille Shabazz: yess 💪🏽💪🏽 Proper preparation prevents poor performance!
2022-01-07 08:16:32
What are you seasoning your food with?
Food does not have to be bland. If you’re not sure what to season your food with try some of these spices and herbs.
I have 20 of these items in my pantry. How many do you have?
Camille Shabazz: Thank you!
Kaitlyn Cox: I have 13, I need to get some more!
Wendy Nash: I have 26... a great remind on the ones I forgot about
2022-01-02 21:12:46
If you missed the live about nutrition, you can watch the replay. Here is a fiber cheat sheet. The recommended daily intake for women under the age of 50 is 21 to 25grams. Men should aim for 30 to 38 grams a day.
Shay White: Thanks for sharing this.
Halani Lobdell: Great info
Loretta Moore-Scott: Thank you for sharing!
2022-01-02 21:08:22
Hey NV Gang! I went live today and we talked about the macro calculator and macros. If you’ve used the macro calculator and have your calories and macro numbers here are a few cheat sheets you can use. If you have any questions let me know.
2022-01-02 21:07:52
Hey NV Gang! I went live today and we talked about the macro calculator and macros. If you’ve used the macro calculator and have your calories and macro numbers here are a few cheat sheets you can use. If you have any questions let me know.
2022-01-02 21:07:07
Hey NV Gang! I went live today and we talked about the macro calculator and macros. If you’ve used the macro calculator and have your calories and macro numbers here are a few cheat sheets you can use. If you have any questions let me know.
Michel Thompson : Thank for all the great nutritional options 👏🏽🙌🏽
Camille Shabazz: You're welcome! if you have any questions let me know.